
Adult Spiritual Formation

Each week there are several opportunities to engage is spiritual formation and faith exploration. Ranging from in-person and in-depth studies to brief online experiences, there is something for everyone wherever they are on their journey. At various points throughout the year, additional opportunities are available.

Exploring Sunday’s Scriptures

Exploring Sunday’s Scriptures includes two components, one in-person and one online through YouTube. The in-person gatherings happen every Tuesday at 12:00 pm with the online format available on Tuesday morning. These explorations focus on the scriptures that will be part of worship the coming Sunday.  It is to provide exposure to the scriptures prior to worship engaging in the context of each scripture readings within the Biblical narrative, in the liturgical calendar, and specific to our time and circumstances. This is a great way to enhance the experience of worship!

Feasting on the Word

Feasting on the Word is related to an ancient Christian discipline of Lectio Divina. A small passage of scripture is read multiple times (4 in our case) with silence interspersed between the readings. The discipline is intended to let the scripture speak to us uniquely immersing ourselves into its truth for our lives within a manageable time and experience.  This audio meditation usually comprises just 10 minutes available every Wednesday on our YouTube channel.


Thirstaid is one of our more in-depth study opportunities with various books or topics explored through the course of the year. It meets on Thursdays at 1 pm.


AOL (Adult Opportunities for Learning) is our other in-depth study opportunity on Sunday mornings directly following worship. Grab something from the cafe to feed your hunger and then join in AOL to feed the mind!