Pastor Note for
June/July/August 2023

May 31, 2023 | Pastor Note

june july august pastor note 2023

As I think of the three months which comprise this issue of the Caller, it brings a flood of memories from Iowa and PA Park Chaplaincy to picnics and pools . . . summer is a glorious time! Years of education set the tone for a rhythm to seasons and certain activities and memories within those seasons. No matter our age or stage of life, we carry that same pattern forward.

While we know that Jesus’ public ministry lasted around 3 years, it is not set to a particular season or time-of-the-year. It predated public education and was in a different time/culture/setting than our own, nonetheless I always tend to think of his ministry as largely being in the summer. Maybe it is because of the many episodes beside or on sea and lake, or the walking between villages that draws me to this conclusion. It comes as a curiosity that in our own faith journey, however, summer tends to be a time when we are less connected and involved, at least in the local church. Many of our ‘regular’ activities disband because of the absences and fall off in participation during these months. I know the cause is competing schedules as we seek to squeeze in the reunions, vacations, relaxations, and activities of the season. I wonder, though, if it might also be some sense of spiritual renewal. Like with Jesus’ ministry, potent encounters with God often come outside of the normal rhythms in settings near and far where yet again if we listen, we are taught. Yes, sometimes our call to follow happens in the midst of our work and vocations, but sometimes, perhaps more potently, it comes amid our leisure and relaxation. The point is that wherever we are, God’s grace is knocking on the door of our hearts and lives, waiting for us to answer.

So, I hope that we might all find the time to listen carefully, discern mindfully, and respond robustly in our encounters with the Living Lord wherever that may happen this summer!

Yours in Christ, 

Rev. Daven W. Oskvig

Rev. Daven Oskvig
